Collection of Sputum Specimen

What is sputum?

 A sputum specimen is needed for identifying pathogens causing infection in the respiratory tract.

• The sputum is collected by coughing up, and is therefore contaminated with a small number of commensal micro-organisms from the upper respiratory tract and mouth.

• The commensal micro-organism has to be differentiated from the pathogens causing infection.

• A sputum sample is best collected in the morning after waking up.

• A clean container with a wide mouth is used to collect sputum.


Types of collection of sputum in the laboratory.

o Spot collection

o Early morning sputum collection the next day.

Spot Collection (Immediate Specimen).

• Advise patient to rinse mouth.

• Coach the patient from behind.

• Instruct the patient to cough sputum into the container.

o This exercise should take place in a well ventilated environment preferably in the open air/outdoors.

• Verify that sample should contains sputum and not saliva.

• Send the specimen to the laboratory.

• Send patient home with a container for a first morning sputum the next day.


Early Morning Sputum Collection

This collection happens during in Next day after collecting Spot collection.

 Early morning sputum sample usually has the highest yield of Acid Fast Bacilli.

• Instruct the patient to produce early morning sputum just like it has been done today on the spot collection.

• Emphasize that the patient brings morning specimen to health unit within 24 hours after producing the sample.


Precautions during Collection of Sputum Specimen

• The patient who is coughing is of a greater danger to staff than the specimen.

• When collecting and receiving the specimen be sure to adhere to infection prevention and control standards.

o Instruct patient to cover their mouth when coughing.

o Do not collect sputum in the laboratory or clinic room.

o Do not stand in front of the patient during specimen collection.

o Use appropriate leak proof containers with a wide mouth.

o Label a clean sputum container (on the side and on the lid/cover) before obtaining specimen.

o Collect specimen in a well-ventilated area, preferably outdoors in the sunlight.

o Ensure that no one stands in front of the patient while producing sputum.

o Ensure container is labelled and closed firmly with lid after the specimen is collected.

o Wash your hands with antiseptic after collecting specimen.


Transporting of Sputum Specimen

• Receive the specimen from the patient.

• Assess for its quality.

• Sputum specimen can have various colours and aspects.

• If the sample is liquid and clear without streaks of mucous materials, process the sample but ensure that the poor quality of the sample is reported on the result form. When possible, encourage the patient to collect the specimen again.

• Label the container with infectious hazard marks and cover it well with a lid.

• If the health facility does not have the diagnostic capacity, sputum samples should be transported to the nearest diagnostic center as soon as possible, within four days.

• Transportation of sputum samples should be an immediate process.

• Samples should be well packed and protected from direct light.

• Samples should be accompanied by a well filled out laboratory record.


Key points:

  • Sputum specimen is needed for identifying pathogens causing infection in the respiratory tract.
  • Two sputum specimens (spot specimen and early morning sputum specimen) are usually needed for diagnosis of TB.
  •  Quality sputum sample relies on proper instruction to the patient about the procedure for sputum collection.