Application of Safety Rules in the Laboratory Practice

Fourteen General Safety Rules

  • Eating, drinking & smoking is strictly prohibited in the lab.
  •  Mouth pipetting is strictly prohibited, use mechanical pipettes/pipes/tubes that provide suction.
  •   Food/drinks should not be stored in the refrigerators used for keeping/storing clinical/research specimens/samples.
  • Wear new disposable gloves when handling blood and body fluids and do not touch telephones, pens, lockers, etc. with gloves on.
  •  Always cover the end of the blood collection tubes with a cloth or gauze and point away from anyone’s face when opening.
  • Wear protective face shields or masks and goggles if splashes of blood, body fluids,, or infectious material are likely to happen.
  • Wear a laboratory coat while in the laboratory and remove it when leaving to go to areas such as offices, libraries, canteens, etc.
  • Decontaminate work surface areas daily or when contaminated such as after spills with 10% bleach solution.
  • Use puncture-resistant leak-proof containers for sharps.
  • Do not open centrifuges while still in motion.
  • Place infectious waste materials in appropriate plastic bags or containers.
  • Close the lid of the specimen container very tightly.
  •  Label specimens clearly with names or other identifier dates, time of collection and type of specimens, and the site of collection.
  •   The laboratory should be kept neat clean and free of materials that are not related to work.

Importance of Safety Laboratory Rule

1Help to avoid the ingestion of infectious material/harmful chemicals, addressed by the below safety lab. rules:

  • Eating, drinking, or smoking is prohibited in the lab. 
  • Food/drinks should not be stored in the refrigerators used for clinical/research specimens

2. It avoid contaminating the skin/hands/face and toes with infectious materials/harmful chemicals, i.e

  • Close the lid of the specimen container tightly,
  • Wear a laboratory coat while in the laboratory and remove it when leaving to go to areas such as offices.

3.   3.  Help to avoid the small droplets (aerosols) of infectious materials that can be spread in the air and inhaled; Always cover the end of the blood collection tubes with a cloth or gauze and point away from anyone’s face when opening;

  • Wear protective face shields or masks and goggles if splashes of blood, body fluids, or infectious material are likely to happen.
  • Do not open centrifuges while still in motion.  

 4. Helps to prevent accidents/injuries of hands-on moving instruments; i.e
  • Do not open centrifuges while still in motion

5.  5. Protects the laboratory personnel, healthcare personnel, and even the patients from infectious material;

  • Decontaminate work surface areas daily or when contaminated such as after spills with 10% bleach solution.
  • Place infectious waste materials in appropriate biohazard plastic bags or containers. 
  • Proper separation of waste is important (sharps, biohazard waste, ordinary waste, uncontaminated broken glass)
  • The laboratory should be kept neat clean and free of materials that are not pertinent to work.

6.     6.  Protects the laboratory personnel and patients from puncturing their skin and introducing infectious materials i.e

  • Use puncture-resistant leak-proof containers for sharps

International Safety Symbols

  • Chemical 
  • Explosive
  • Corrosive
  • Irritant
  • Harmful
  • Toxic 
  • Flammable
  • Oxidising
Application of Safety Rules in the Laboratory Practice

Application of Safety Rules in the Laboratory Practice


Application of Safety Rules in the Laboratory Practice

No Smoking

Application of Safety Rules in the Laboratory Practice

Application of Safety Rules in the Laboratory Practice

Eye Wash Station Sign

Significance of International Safety Symbols

Biohazard Symbol: 

  •     The background must be red/orange in color with a black universal biohazard symbol and black lettering.
  •     All areas of the laboratory, including dispensaries and health centers, which have specimens and cultures, could contain biohazardous agents (infectious micro-organisms).
  •     Therefore, all specimens and cultures are treated as contaminants.                                  
  •     These biohazard warning signs must be placed in these areas.

Radioactive Symbol:

  •     These are substances that emit harmful rays or particles.
  •      The symbol is a red/ orange circle with 3 triangles surrounding it to represent an atom.
  •     It is found with words of caution. 
  •      Exposure to radioactive substances is rare in the lab. unless specialized testing is performed.

UV light exposure: 

  •      When ultraviolet light (UV) is part of the testing process, such as the use of a fluorescent microscope or some safety cabinets.
  •      It is important to warn about the hazard with a special sign.
  •      UV light exposure is dangerous to the eyes and may provide another hazard. 
  •      Wearing special goggles or face shields may be required.

Chemical Symbols:

  •     All laboratory reagents are harmful if taken internally or exposed to skin or eyes.
  •      Some are also hazardous if inhaled (irritant), contact with skin and mucous membranes (irritant or corrosive) so good laboratory practice, SO avoid spilling, inhaling, and drinking laboratory reagents and solutions.
  •     In addition, many reagents and solutions fit into one or more of the seven hazard categories. 
  •     If exposed to any of the harmful reagents or solutions, you must consult your supervisor and information in the materials safety data sheet that is provided with purchased chemicals.